Learn how to tie dye! Bring your own pre-washed cotton t-shirts or other natural fiber clothing. Or dye fabric; just make sure it is made of natural fiber content and washed once to remove any sizing or starch. We supply the backyard and the wading pools, the dyes, synthrapol and soda ash, gloves, rubber bands, and lots of know-how. Stripes, Bullseyes, Spiral, Flower Square, Scumbled or Spider are some of the ways that cloth can be folded. Come for some colorful fun in the sun.
$60 class fee—Covers up to 10 shirt sized items of clothing or 8 yards of cloth. Those who wish to dye in larger quantities will be charged based on fabric weight.
Click here to see a tie dye slideshow.
Location: Longmont CO (directions sent upon confirmation–send email to: sarajane@polyclay.com for details
Start Time: 10 AM
Date: Saturday May 28, 2011
End Time: 4 PM